One way to think of what AI enables to is consider what it will make cheap and thereby ubiquitous
A key feature of conventional computers is the physical separation of memory, which stores data and instructions, from logic, which processes that information. The brain holds no such distinction.
Human wrapping around AI: Artificial intelligence working behind the scenes
- AI Medical diagnosis Doctors make the final decision and are the primary contact for the patient, providing compassionate human care. Research shows promising results for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease, mood disorders, skin cancer, lung cancer and more. However, in the real world IBM Watson was criticised for unsafe medical recommendations
- Medical tools: Artificially Intelligent AR Microscope for real-time detection of cancer.
- Architectural design: AI generates architectural drawings to optimise floor plan space, structural integrity and sustainable use of materials, with humans building, crafting and shaping the interior design finishing touches.
Predominantly Human: Artificial intelligence supplementing humans, who play the leading role
- Real time creative art tools: The human artist provides the creative direction and vision whilst the AI sketches, resizes and colours (much like we delegate mathematical calculations to a computer today).
- Building an argument: The human directs and delivers arguments whilst AI crowdsource arguments from broader (human) networks, sorts through millions of articles and feeds the human supporting arguments, facts and figures (See: IBM Project Debater).
Half AI/Half Human: Artificial intelligence responsible for a distinct section of the task, whilst also working side by side with humans
- AI Journalists: Artificial Intelligence co-writes, detects early patterns/story opportunities, generates short news stories alongside content written/edited by humans. (Research on a fake news generating algorithm released by Open AI earlier this year caused a major ruckus. Closely followed by a fake news UN speech generator)
- Science: Using Artificial Intelligence to mix chemicals, discover new compounds, model the universe for physics experiments, and understand the cosmos. AI extracts knowledge both on it’s own, and in collaboration with human interpreters.
Just AI: Artificial Intelligence working on it’s own to complete a task end to end
- Autonomous vehicles: self-driving cars, autonomous drones, and advanced industrial robots
- Live-captioning: Google’s live captioning speech to text
- **Air Traffic Control:** artificial intelligence doesn’t get tired, doesn’t lose focus, can keep track of many more variables than a human can, can see through fog and cut time between flights down to as close as 20 seconds.
As AI improves, the collaborative human-AI relationship grows more complex. Some of these use cases can move quadrants simply if we wish them to move: we can upgrade AI’s autonomy by shifting the use case down to the lower left quadrant, and if we want more humans in the task, we can shift it up to the…